The topic of Intelligent System in the first week was about the introduction of AI and also the course introduction. A video were presented explaining detail about Artificial Intelligence. The video explain about the history of AI, the defintion of AI & Machine Learning, and how the system acts & thinks like human brains. Here is the short summary:
John McCarthy, father of AI is the person who has coined the term of Artificial Intelligence in 1956 and also invented the programming language lisp in 1958.

We were explained about the difference between the AI and Machine Learning. In short, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the big concept of how the machines thinks and acts like human, whereas the Machine Learning (ML) is the subset of AI technique which use the experience (dataset) to improve the performance and accuracy.
After that, Ms Nurul also mentioned that AI has 4 components which are Thinking Humanly, Thinking Rationally, Acting Humanly, Acting Rationally. We also learned about the Nature of AI which not only always Computer Science related things, but also including the philosophy, psychology, biology, economics, mathematics, linguistics and cognitive science.
Before went to the second topic, Ms Nurul also mentioned some of the implementation of AI nowadays, such as the Intelligent Robots: Aibo, Machine Translation, Speech Recognition, Drug discovery, etc.
The second topic was about Intelligent Agent Design. We learned about the defition which perceives its environments using sensors and act rationally upon that environment using actuators, we learned how to measure the Task Environment, the types of environments to determine agent design.